About GiFT.wisdom

GiFT Wisdom is a collection of blogs, poems, video clips and any inspirational articles that show, describe and demonstrate the infinite wisdom of our Almighty God and Creator.  These collections of writings can be created by myself, members and friends of GiFT Ministry, or anyone from the Christ-loving community.  
The purpose of this section of GiFT Ministry Blog site is to provide words of encouragement to fellow Kingdom Traders in their daily walk with our Lord, Jesus Christ, or anyone who rejoice in the wonderful gift of live and His infinite wisdom.

This section is also a platform for readers to discuss and praise God's wisdom and truth.  Hopefully, through these discussions and articles, the Gospel is able to reach out and touch many more hearts in the financial trading marketplace.

So, enjoy and may the Spirit dwells with you and strengthen you as you read the words of wisdom and encouragement.

James 3:17....But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.